Daily News for 2022-10-05
Daily News for 2022-10-04
Daily News for 2022-10-03
Daily News for 2022-10-02
Daily News for 2022-10-01
Reals: a Python library for real-number arithmetic (comments)
Why Modern Software is Slow–Windows Voice Recorder (comments)
9 puzzles to convince you you don’t understand dependence (comments)
Why I own two copies of Designing Data-Intensive Applications (comments) - Mathematics Pastebin Written in Common Lisp (comments)
Daily News for 2022-09-30
Daily News for 2022-09-29
Linkal: A public-calendar aggregator server written in Rust (comments)
Ken Thompson Really Did Launch His “Trusting Trust” Trojan Attack in Real Life (comments)
Why Aren’t There More Programming Languages Startups? (comments)
A Proposal for a Flexible, Composable, Libre Desktop Environment (comments)
Practically-exploitable Cryptographic Vulnerabilities in Matrix (comments)
Named Element IDs Can Be Referenced as JavaScript Globals (comments)
Reconstructed source code of the game Duke Nukem II (comments)
Daily News for 2022-09-28
Named Element IDs Can Be Referenced as JavaScript Globals (comments)
LISTEN / NOTIFY: Automatic client notification in PostgreSQL (comments)
Speeding Up Three.JS with Depth-Based Fragment Culling (comments)
Introducing workerd: Cloudflare’s Open Source Workers runtime (comments)
Real World OCaml: Functional Programming for the Masses (comments)
Daily News for 2022-09-27
Daily News for 2022-09-26
What’s your favorite go to documentation tool for building team knowledge base (comments)
Notes from Tail Latency Aware Caching Paper by RobinHood (comments)
Compiler Optimizations Are Hard Because They Forget (comments)
On the strange joys of mainframe OSes and legacy tech that has survived into modern times (comments)
Connectix RAM Doubler - Never run out of RAM Again (comments)
Timeworks Word Writer 6 for the Commodore 64 Source Code (1991) (comments)