Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-07-27
µON: Compact and simple binary encoding, on par (or outperforms) CBOR, MsgPack and UBJSON (comments)
Discovery of new UEFI rootkit exposes an ugly truth: The attacks are invisible to us (comments)
1993: CGI Scripts and Early Server-Side Web Programming (comments)
A tutorial implementation of a dependently typed lambda calculus (comments)
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-07-26
So I’ve patched KDE Plasma/Wayland under CheriBSD for pure-capability mode. It works (comments)
What’s the Most Portable Way to Include Binary Blobs in an Executable? (comments)
How finishing what you start makes teams more productive and predictable (comments)
nautilus-png-convert: An extension for Nautilus to right-click convert images to PNG (comments)
The limits of Python vectorization as a performance technique (comments)
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-07-25
No-code isn’t scalable. Our learnings at FINN going from 1000 toward 100,000 car subscriptions (comments)
The tar archive format, its extensions, and why GNU tar extracts in quadratic time (comments)
Building a tiny little broken calculator with parser combinators (comments)
User settings, Lamport clocks and lightweight formal methods (comments)