Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-11-24
Porting 58000 lines of D and C++ to jai, Part 0: Why and How (comments)
Building a custom code search index in Go for searchcode.com (comments)
Building the fastest Lua interpreter.. automatically (comments)
Comfortably monitor your internet traffic in real-time with Sniffnet (comments)
Exploring the Operating System of Reolink RLC-801A (comments)
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-11-23
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-11-22
connmap is an X11 desktop widget that shows location of your current network peers on a world map (tested only with i3wm). Made with C and libcairo (comments)
Buzz, a small/lightweight typed scripting language written in Zig (comments)
CVE-2022-41924 - RCE in Tailscale, DNS Rebinding, and You (comments)
C++ Move Semantics Considered Harmful (Rust is better) (2021) (comments)
A history of ARM, part 2: Everything starts to come together (comments)
chalk.ahk: An AutoHotkey library for colorizing terminal output (comments)
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-11-21
What are your favorite Mastodon technology/programming community servers (comments)
Should Lobsters profiles include a/multiple Fediverse links? (comments)
Codeguessr - a Geoguessr-like game for popular open source projects (comments)
Tracking Mastodon user numbers over time with a bucket of tricks (comments)
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-11-20
One can create interactive trees in pure html with a single css rule (comments)
Investigating why Steam started picking a random font (comments)
Don’t store TOTP in Bitwarden for your online accounts (comments)
rssnix is a Unix-style filesystem-based RSS/Atom/JSON Feed fetcher/reader (comments)
OKSolar - Improving on Solarized using the OKLab perceptual colorspace (comments)
If a Tree Falls in a Forest, Does It Overflow the Stack? (comments)
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-11-19
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-11-18
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-11-17
noticing and preventing network requests should be easy (comments)
cshuaimin/ssr.nvim: Structural search and replace (comments)
Sapling: Source control that’s user-friendly and scalable (comments)
Announcing greptimedb, a scalable time-series database we are working on (comments)
Digital Books wear out faster than Physical Books (comments)
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-11-16
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-11-15
Making a Go program 42% faster with a one character change (comments)
Codeberg is moving … and what this means to you (comments)
Performance Optimizations Can Have Unexpectedly Large Effects When Combined With Caches (comments)
mold 1.7.0 - author seriously considering license change away from open source (comments)
What software do you dream about, but do not have time to code yourself? (comments)