Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-12-24
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-12-23
Moving emails accounts to a new host, imapcopy with actual encryption (comments)
Challenging algorithms and data structures every programmer should try (comments)
Better UI to find the next TV show to watch using Rotten Tomatoes (comments)
A free Twitter-like app for iOS that uses S3-compatible services as the backend (comments)
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-12-22
A free Twitter-like app for iOS that uses S3-compatible services as the backend (comments)
Extending the AES-GCM Nonce Without Nightmare Fuel (comments)
How to share terminal demos as razor-sharp animated SVG (comments)
Challenging algorithms and data structures every programmer should try (comments)
Dolphin Progress Report: September, October, and November 2022 (comments)
Saving power on an ESP8266 web server using delays (comments)
Sigils are an underappreciated programming technology (comments)
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-12-21
Sigils are an underappreciated programming technology (comments)
Dr. Futamura’s Projection Machine: From Interpreters to Compilers through a Marvelous Device (comments)
What not to forget when implementing a pattern-matching in Ruby for custom objects (comments)
Fellow crustaceans, 2023 will be the year of ${TECHNOLOGY} (comments)
An Ode to Unit Tests: In Defense of the Testing Pyramid (comments)
Pixel Accurate Atkinson Dithering for Images in HTML (comments)
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-12-20
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-12-19
Daily lobste.rs News for 2022-12-18
Let’s Encrypt now supports ACME-CAA: closing the DV loophole (comments)
Zero-initialize objects of automatic storage duration (comments)
Why doesn’t Windows use the 64-bit virtual address space below 0x00000000`7ffe0000? (comments)
Get root on macOS 13.0.1 with CVE-2022-46689, the macOS Dirty Cow bug (comments)